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Omega 3 – The miracle weapon for skin and hair

Omega 3 has a good reputation when it comes to physical health, but omega 3 can do more: skin and hair can also benefit.

Omega 3 Kapseln

Omega-3 fatty acids have become a real superstar in the world of dietary supplements in recent years - and for good reason. In addition to the numerous health benefits for the heart, brain, joints and immune system, however, the effects go far beyond this: Omega-3 also plays a crucial role in skin and hair health. In this article, we'll take a closer look at these lesser-discussed effects, how omega-3 helps improve skin and hair, and how it can help treat certain skin conditions, such as acne.

What is omega-3?

Omega-3 fatty acids are a group of essential fatty acids that the body cannot produce itself. They must therefore be obtained from food. There are three main types of omega-3 fatty acids that are particularly important for our health:

  1. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA): This plant-based omega-3 fatty acid is found in foods such as linseed, chia seeds and walnuts. ALA is an essential fatty acid from which the body can produce the other omega-3 fatty acids, but only to a limited extent.
  2. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA): EPA is mainly found in fish, algae and seafood. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its role in cognitive function.
  3. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): DHA is also found in fish and algae oil and is crucial for brain, eye and skin health.

These fatty acids play a crucial role in numerous bodily functions and contribute to a healthy cell membrane, which makes them particularly valuable for skin and hair.

The best natural sources of omega-3

  • Oily fish: salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines are rich in EPA and DHA.
  • Vegetable oils: Linseed oil, chia seed oil and hemp oil are good vegetable sources of ALA.
  • Nuts and seeds: Walnuts, chia seeds and linseed contain high amounts of ALA.
  • Seaweed and algae: One of the few plant sources of EPA and DHA, ideal for vegetarians and vegans.

A balanced diet rich in these foods can help to provide the body with sufficient omega-3, which can have a positive effect on skin health and hair growth.

Omega-3 and skin health

Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in maintaining the health and appearance of our skin. Their diverse effects range from moisturising to anti-inflammatory, making them an essential nutrient for skincare.

General benefits of omega-3 for the skin

  1. Moisturising: Omega-3 strengthens the skin barrier, which leads to improved moisture retention. A healthy skin barrier protects the skin from harmful environmental influences and prevents excessive water loss, resulting in plump, hydrated skin.
  2. Anti-inflammatory: The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 can help in the treatment and prevention of skin conditions associated with inflammation, such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. By reducing inflammatory reactions in the skin, omega-3 can reduce redness and swelling.
  3. Protection from sun damage: Some studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids can protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation. They reduce oxidative damage, which can lead to premature skin ageing and even skin cancer.

Omega-3 and skin moisture

Omega-3’s ability to strengthen and protect the skin barrier makes it particularly effective in treating dry skin conditions. A well-nourished skin barrier keeps the skin soft, supple and more resistant to environmental stressors. This is especially important during the winter months or in dry climates where dry air can lead to skin problems.

Omega-3 fatty acids can have beneficial effects through both diet and topical application. Whilst an omega-3 rich diet works from the inside, skincare products containing omega-3 fatty acids can be applied directly to the skin to nourish and soothe dry, flaky skin.

Omega-3 and skin problems

The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids play a key role in the treatment and prevention of skin problems. By reducing inflammation in the body, omega-3 fatty acids can help to alleviate the symptoms of skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema.

Omega-3 in the treatment of acne

Acne often results from a combination of factors, including excess oil production, clogged pores and inflammation. The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 can help to combat the inflammatory component of acne, which can lead to a reduction in the severity and frequency of acne breakouts. Additionally, omega-3 can regulate oil production in the skin, further contributing to acne reduction.

Some studies have also shown that supplementing the diet with omega-3 fatty acids can lead to an improvement in acne symptoms. However, it is important to see this as part of a comprehensive skin care approach that includes proper cleansing, moisturising and consultation with a dermatologist if necessary.

The effect of omega-3 on other skin problems

  • Eczema and psoriasis: Both conditions are associated with inflammatory processes in the skin. Omega-3 fatty acids can help to dampen the inflammatory reactions and alleviate the symptoms of these skin conditions. Many sufferers report an improvement in skin texture and a reduction in dryness, itching and redness.
  • Skin ageing: Omega-3 fatty acids can also help to slow down the signs of skin ageing. By supporting skin elasticity and reducing the breakdown of collagen and elastin, omega-3 can minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and provide a more youthful skin appearance.

Omega-3 and hair health

The health-promoting properties of omega-3 fatty acids also extend to hair health. These essential fatty acids can contribute in many ways to promoting hair growth, reducing hair loss and ensuring shiny, strong hair.

How omega-3 promotes hair growth

  1. Nutrient supply of the hair follicles: Omega-3 fatty acids nourish the hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth. By improving blood circulation in the scalp, omega-3 fatty acids can supply the hair follicles with important nutrients, which is crucial for strong and healthy hair.
  2. Strengthening the hair structure: Taking omega-3 helps to improve the hair structure. Omega-3 fatty acids help to strengthen the hair shaft and reduce hair breakage. This leads to fuller and more resistant hair.
  3. Combat inflammation: Scalp inflammation can cause or increase hair loss. The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 can help reduce inflammation of the scalp, which in turn supports healthy hair growth.

The role of omega-3 in combating hair loss

Studies have shown that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help mitigate and even reverse the effects of hair loss. Omega-3 fatty acids support hair follicle health and can correct hormonal imbalances, which are often associated with hair loss. By strengthening hair follicles and promoting a healthy hair growth cycle, omega-3 can help counteract hair loss and improve hair density.

It is important to note that the positive effects of omega-3 on hair health are best achieved through a consistent, balanced intake, whether through diet or supplements. Long-term use is required to achieve visible results.

Scientific studies

The positive effect of omega-3 on skin and hair is underpinned by numerous scientific studies. This research shows that a regular intake of omega-3 fatty acids can improve inflammatory skin conditions, promote hair growth and support overall skin health. However, it is important to emphasise that results may vary from individual to individual and a balanced diet and appropriate skin and hair care are required for optimal results.

The integration of omega-3 into the daily diet, whether through food or supplements, can therefore be a valuable addition to the treatment of skin problems and the promotion of hair health.

How to make the most of omega-3

Incorporating omega-3 fatty acids into your diet can have significant benefits for your skin, hair and overall health. Here are some tips and recommendations on how to make the most of omega-3.

Dietary tips and foods with a high omega-3 content

  1. Incorporate fatty fish into your diet: Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring are excellent sources of EPA and DHA. The goal should be to consume two to three servings per week.
  2. Plant sources of ALA: For vegetarians or people who don’t like fish, flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts and hemp seeds are excellent sources of ALA. Incorporate them into smoothies, salads or baked goods.
  3. Cooking with omega-3-rich oils: Use linseed oil or walnut oil for cold dishes to increase your omega-3 intake. Note, however, that these oils are not suitable for cooking at high temperatures.

Omega-3 food supplements

If it is difficult to get enough omega-3 from your diet, supplements can offer a practical alternative. There are a few points to bear in mind:

  1. Quality of supplements: Look for high-quality, pure omega-3 supplements that are free from heavy metals and other contaminants.
  2. Dosage: The recommended dosage may vary depending on individual health goals. Talking to a doctor or nutritionist can help determine the right dosage for your needs.
  3. Vegetarian and vegan options: There are algae oil supplements that contain DHA and EPA and are an excellent option for vegetarians and vegans.

Omega-3 and anticoagulants

Omega-3 can have an effect similar to that of an anticoagulant, i.e. it has an anticoagulant effect. Also known colloquially as “blood thinners”. If you are taking anticoagulants, it is strongly advisable to consult your GP or pharmacist.


Omega-3 fatty acids offer numerous health benefits, especially for skin and hair. Due to their anti-inflammatory properties, they can help treat skin problems such as acne, psoriasis and eczema and promote hair growth. Eating a balanced diet rich in omega-3 or taking supplements can help to realise these benefits. However, it is important to take a holistic approach and seek professional medical advice if necessary.

Frequently asked questions

Omega-3 fatty acids can alleviate the symptoms of various skin problems, but should be considered as part of a comprehensive skin care approach. For best results, a combination of appropriate skin care, nutrition and medical treatment, if necessary, is recommended.

The time until visible improvements occur can vary. Some people report changes within a few weeks, while for others it can take several months. Long-term, consistent intake is important for optimal results.

While omega-3 supplements are safe for most people, people with blood clotting disorders or who are taking blood thinners should consult a doctor before taking omega-3 supplements.

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